Arrival & Dismissal

Morning Arrival - Students begin the day outside in their designated yard: Kindergarten Yard, Primary Front Yard, Junior Front Yard.  When the bell rings at 8:30am, students will line up and enter the building through their class’ designated door. Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather and arrives at school by the morning bell. We follow a staggered morning arrival:
Student Transportation: Buses & vans arrive between 8:15 - 8:20am.
Children’s Village Daycare: Students attending before school childcare released onto the yard around 8:20 - 8:25am.
Walking, Cycling & Arriving by Car: Students who are walking, cycling or coming by car arrive between 8:25 - 8:30am.

Traffic Flow, Parking & Kiss n Ride Zone - We encourage students to walk or cycle to school.  If you are driving your child to school, please drive slowly when approaching and entering our school property.  When you arrive, you have two options:
1) Parking - Limited parking is available in the parking lot onsite.  Please note that the bus loop in the front of the school is reserved for yellow school buses and vans - please do NOT drive through or park in the bus loop at any time.
2) Kiss 'n Ride - We are fortunate to have a drop off area along Bluegrass Drive, in front of the portables. Known as the 'Kiss n Ride' zone, this area is available for student drop off as of 8:15am.  When using the Kiss 'n Ride, please have your child ready to exit the car on the passenger side. Please do not exit your car or leave your car unattended in this area. No parking here.


Afternoon Dismissal - All students will be dismissed at 3:00pm. Students will exit through their designate doors.
Student Transportation - Students will exit their designated door and head directly to their bus / van.  EAs will support students taking vans.
Childcare - Kinder students who attend afterschool daycare will wait in the kinder yard and be picked up by a Childcare Team Lead.  Students in Grades 1 - 6 who attend afterschool daycare will exit their designated door and head to their Childcare location.
Walking, Cycling & Pick Up by Car - Students who walk, cycle or are picked up by car will exit their designated door and meet their parent/guardian at a pre-planned meeting spot on the edge of our school property.  Please ensure that your child(ren) knows where to meet you.

Early Pick Up - We ask that Parents / Legal Guardians notify their child's homeroom teacher and the school office in advance whenever possible, so that we can support a timely pick up.

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